Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport

Aircraft Overflight Noise Tool
a plane icon with an curved line next to it.


Address search feature with aircraft overflight and noise information summarised for the chosen location
Preliminary flight path design with anticipated movements derived from schedule forecasts
Animated 3D visualisations for WSI flight paths
a rectangular warning sign.


Explore the preliminary flight path design for WSI to gain an understanding of where aircraft will operate, and how frequently
Find out the modelled noise impacts for WSI’s preliminary flight paths as the airport grows, up to 2055
See changes to flight paths and procedures for other airports in the Sydney area as presented in the EIS. These changes have not been implemented
a line with multiple points leading to an end location/point.


The WSI flight paths shown are included in the EIS
The preliminary flight paths for WSI are only for single runway operations and therefore this tool does not reflect any noise impacts from a potential future second runway
Altitude depictions in this tool give an example of typical operations, but do not account for all air traffic control, aircraft and other operational variations